Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Saturday Dinner - Gyros (May 15)

Gyros!! We love Gyros!

Since we were going camping, I prepared all the food the night before and had everything ready to go on the grill.

Gyros have been a favorite of mine and to recreate them vegan was of the utmost importance. I make the 'lamb' seitan using gluten flour and other flours, and cook it in a broth that is a combination of 'beef' and 'chicken.' After the seitan is cool, I sliced it into thin pieces and marinated it overnight in olive oil, garlic, lemon juice, rosemary, and oregano. At the campsite I grilled the slices until they were crisp, but not dry (important - we aren't trying to make jerky). Tzaziki sauce was prepared at home, and the seitan was assembled in a pita with slices of onions and tomatoes.

So incredibly delicious!

6 out of 5 stars

(My husband recommend that once in a blue moon we assign 6 stars to truly exceptional dishes. This one definitely qualifies.)

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