Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Tuesday Dinner - Soba with Sweet-Sour-Pungent Sauce (June 8)

This recipe is from Speed Vegan by Alan Roettinger.
 The recipe calls for tofu, but I decided to make it with eggplant. So far, so good. As I am making the sauce, it is calling for 12 cloves of garlic ground into the sauce. No biggie, I think; I love garlic! Man, this must have been some typo, because when they titled the recipe 'pungent', they weren't kidding! If you make this recipe from the book USE LESS GARLIC. It was overpoweringly pungent, not deliciously pungent. I can't be certain, but without the overabundance of garlic, the, sauce seems to have been very tasty.

The eggplant was good, though.

Cost Breakdown:
eggplant: $3
sauce: $3.50
carrots, onion: $1
soba noodles: $3
Total to almost feed a family of 5:

2.5 out of 5 stars

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